2012 m. kovo 5 d., pirmadienis

Reasons of emigration

Nowadays emigration is a process which is happening everywhere. The main reason for that is globalization, of course, but there are actually more reasons than this. The main of them are that other countries can offer better education, better future in job career and also, emigration is a great way to see the world and make new acquaintances.
Firstly, people emigrate abroad not only to find a better job, but also they do so, because they have a need for higher level education. As an example we can take Algeria. It is not a surprise that the level of education is low in that country, because all African countries share a low level of education. And this is one of the main reasons why there are so many immigrants from Africa in almost every European country. Moreover, this is not happening in Africa only. Many students from many countries go abroad because they want to finish a university which is well known in the world, like Cambridge or Oxford. This way opportunities to get a job are highly increased.
Secondly, people emigrate because they find themselves with no job opportunity in their homeland. What is worth mentioning, that this is a big problem in Lithuania. A lot of university students finish their studies in a fully financed place by the government and they instantly go abroad, without even looking for a job in Lithuania. This is because it is really difficult to find a job in Lithuania. It is much easier to find one in United Kingdom or in scandinavian countries. Moreover, there are numerous organisations in Lithuania which are international. That means that if you will get a job offer in this particular company in Lithuania it would not necessarily mean that you will work in Lithuania. It can be Scotland, Portugal, Spain or any other country.
Finally, emigration is a great way to travel. You can't blame a person if he is leaving his country just because he has no further interest in settling in there. Every person is a free person and anyone can go wherever they like. So sometimes it is not a bad thing to emigrate if you can't find what may please you in your home country. Whether it is Algeria or Sweden, a person may not find what he is looking for in his country so that is why a person from Algeria can emigrate to Sweden and vice-versa to find what he needs in his life.
To sum everything up emigration is a big problem in certain countries that have a low level of economy, as much as immigration is a big problem for countries which have a high level of economy. The government is at fault if people are leaving a country to search for a better job or education opportunities, not the people.

1 komentaras:

  1. Overall, I think your essay is good and correct. However, I have noticed some minor mistakes. I think that you've got the wrong word order i the very first sentence, the word "Nowdays" should have been at the end of the sentance. One more mistake was that in the second paragraph you have started a sentence with the word "and" which is not apropriate for the beginning.
    Commented by Romuald.
