2012 m. gegužės 1 d., antradienis

What does it mean to be a good teacher

You know that there are a lot of people who want to be teachers. If you are planning to become a teacher you have to think a lot before doing this. It is not so easy to teach in school. You have to feel a passion for teaching, have alot of good qualities, have to be well prepared for various subjects and to know a lot of things about the subject on which you are going to teach.

Firstly, a real teacher is a person who feels a passion for teaching. If you want to be a perfect teacher you have to love your job. If you adore your job then you will love everything what is concerned with it: the learning process, the spreading of knowledge and acquiring even more of it while teaching. I am sure that good teachers love their pupils and they behave with them very well.

Secondly, teachers must have good qualities. They have to be self-confident, curious and creative. If a teacher is not self confident, he or she is going to deliver lectures or lessons of bad quality. If you are teaching someone you have to be self-confident in yourself and in your knowledge. Besides, teachers have to be interested in their pupil‘s interests. This way it will be easier to communicate with pupils, because you will know theire interests. To add up communication between teacher and children is very important. Without communication teaching and learning process is simply impossible. Moreover, teachers have to keep in touch with their pupils when the classes are over.

Finally, it is not a secret that teachers have to be well prepared with their subjects. When people want to become teachers they have to know the theorethical side of their subject perfectly, because not knowing the theory prevents you from delivering it to pupils. Moreover teachers have to explain everything what pupils are asking, because it is the teachers top priority to explain everything that is not clear for the students. This is one of the most important points in being a good teacher.

In conclusion I would like to say that the most important thing before becoming a teacher is to think a lot before making this decision. If you are a teacher already, you do not have to forget that teaching requires a lot of things to be done. A real teacher is a person who has a lot of good qualities. Also, teacher has to adore his job. All teachers have to be very intelligent and self-confidence. Without these qualities they will not be real teachers.

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