2011 m. lapkričio 13 d., sekmadienis

Improve writing ? Peace of cake !

There are lots of ways how to improve your writing quality, but what are the most common and most effective ? Basicly, the most effective ones are the most simple ones. I found a pretty informative article about improving your writing skills and I'm going to give you a quick summary of this article: 10 Simple steps how to improve your writing

1. READ. R-E-A-D. Simple as that. Articles, books, reviews, posters, newspapers. READ. This way is the most effective because if you have a strong visual memory, it registers all of it-the sentence structures, lots of new words and ways to express a certain thought in different ways.

2. Watch how the pros do it. There is nothing more informative than listening to a native speaker from England. It is the most raw and best footage of sentence structures, vocabulary etc.

3. Write what you think. The most stupid way of writing something is thinking in your native language and then translating it into English. NEVER DO IT ! Think in English, write in English. Because when translating, most of the idiomms,structures and other parts of your native language are not used in English.

4. Practice makes it perfect. The best way to improve your writing is to...write. Exactly ! You wont learn how to drive a car without actually driving it. This is why a lot of practice will make your writings top notch.

5. Trust yourself. Don't be affraid to be wrong. Everyone is wrong. Especeally the politicians. Well, no matter. Don't be nervous if you don't know a way to express one of your best thoughts. Try to do it in your own way !

6. Check please. After you have finished writing your perfect essay/poem/story or something with letters and sentences be sure to check for mistakes and write them down somewhere. That way you will know what mistakes you are doing often and if you correct it after every writing, that mistake is going to dissappear.

7. Send it to your friend from Manchester ! If you have english-speaking friends, send your works for them to check for mistakes. The natives surely know how something has to be written.

8. Theory. Yes, it is boring. But you have to learn the theorical part of writing. You wont do well in writing if you can't make a proper sentence with subject, predicate and an object. If you don't know what those three words mean, I have some bad news for you.

9. Mission impossible. Mind your commas ! If you want to be a succesfful writer, be sure you are aware of were commas should be in your sentences. Even the pro bloggers do these mistakes so don't be nervous if you skipped a comma or two in your writing.

10. Ready. Steady. Relax. Don't be nervous when writing, because your flow of mind will be blocked. Try to relax before writing. If you are writing a long text, do 10 minute brakes from it. TIME MANAGEMENT, CHILDREN, TIME MANAGEMENT !

1 komentaras:

  1. Very good article. I believe that I will find it really useful in the writings I'm going to write. Thank you.
