2011 m. lapkričio 11 d., penktadienis
Phonetics and Neil Armstrong
I recon you have already watched the video above. Have you heard the "a" sound between the words "for" and "man" ? Is it "For a man" or "for man" ? We were transcribing some sentences during the lesson and the whole group found themselves wondering whether they heard the sound "a" in the recording or they did not. Our phonetics teacher told us a story, that the famous astronaut Nale Armstrong was believed to have skiped the sound "a" while saying his first words on the moon. This is why I find phonetic lessons real fun and these stories about history and about little things you havent heard in well-known historical events are really amazing. In the video above the sound "a" is not clearly heard. But it's not a surprise because audio technologies 42 years ago havent had the quality like they have nowadays. The recording where the famous words "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." were sent to audio laboratories for research and after a lot of arguments it was obvious that Neil havent skipped the sound "a". This story made me think about my phonetic mistakes. Nobody will care if I havent heard a sound in the recording while I'm transcribing sentences.So, basicly this story made me very cautious while transcribing.
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